Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Presenting With Pizzazz: Chapter Two

Chapter Two: The Person Doing the Most Talking is Doing the Most Learning

When we as presenters talk, move around, and write down points, we are learning.  But when we let the audience members do it, they  are learning.

One of my favorite tips from this chapter was, "If you ask a question, be sure to wait at least a slow five seconds before speaking again."

I used to have a teacher in Sunday School who was the master of this technique.  My other teachers always asked a question, waited a few seconds, and then told you the answer they wanted to hear.  This was good for all of us students, because we knew if we just waited a few seconds, we wouldn't have to guess at the answer, because the teacher would just tell us.

But it wasn't that way with Sister Logan.  She would ask a question and then let the room sit in silence as long as it took...and sometimes it was a long time!  We knew  that she wouldn't move on until she got input, so we all started thinking hard as soon as she asked the question.  Of course, I didn't always have an answer- but someone would.  We all got a lot more out of the lessons because we had to be involved.

Unfortunately, it's very hard to let the room sit in silence.  But I'm going to work on that.

At the end of every chapter of Presenting With Pizzazz, there is a "Your Turn" section, where the book bosses me around and tells me what to do after I read each chapter.  Don't worry- I like it.  It forces me to put into practice what I've read.  So, I hate letters in blogs- whether to myself, to others, or to inanimate objects.  And I wouldn't write this if the book didn't direct me to do it.  Here's my commitment letter:

Dear Rachel,
During my next presentation, I promise I'll do the following:
-- Use volunteer scribes to record information
-- Encourage participants to doodle and take notes
-- Tell participants to take a minute to tell someone else what they learned during breaks
-- Use silence after questions to encourage participation.
It'll be exciting and enjoyable to watch my audience get into the act.
Commitedly yours,

(Psst...Hey, Presenting With Pizzazz...apparently, "commitedly" is not a word. :)  )

Have an awesome Wednesday!

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