Hey everyone,
In one of our video conferences a few weeks ago, Rayne asked me what the Blue Jacket means to me. So let me tell you what I told him.

When I first joined the FFA, I didn't have a jacket of my own, I wore a cast-off from an older sibling whose first name had been removed- so that it only said "Kenley." This prompted the FFA Chapter President of the time to call me "Kelly" for over a year- and that was one of the reasons I generally avoided FFA.
After I went to my first state convention, things changed...at least a little. I really wanted my own FFA jacket...but mostly because I wanted people to stop calling me "Kelly." I was pretty excited to see my jacket when it arrived at National Convention that year though, with my own name and "Chapter President, 2007-2008" on it. But even after I had a jacket, I really only wore it when I had to and I'd wear it with black slacks instead of a skirt if I could get away with it.
My year as a state officer completely changed that. I ordered my jacket the day after I was elected. I loved my jacket and if I went a week without wearing my official dress, it was too long. I always had crevats and black nylons in abundance, and by the end of my year of service, my shoes looked like they'd been through a grain grinder.
My jacket, unfortunately, also shows signs of a year well-served. The elbows are worn down, and a small spot on my sleeve reminds me to always take off my jacket before eating- because apparently dry cleaning doesn't wash out enchiladas. That jacket has been dry cleaned so many times that the fantastic bright blue has faded to a less impressive light blue.
I love that jacket dearly, but when I really made up my mind to run for National Office, I wanted a new one. One that would say to the world, "2010 National Officer Candidate," right under my name. I thought, "Even if I don't make it, it'll be nice to have this jacket to remember everything I did to prepare."
Then, I went on the website and remembered that jackets cost $60. For a college student, that's a lot of money, especially for a jacket I'll wear only until October...so I decided just to wear my old jacket. I was disappointed, but I knew it was just a....stupid...jacket, right?
Oddly enough, I was thinking about my old, worn out State Officer jacket yesterday morning, before I called to chat with my mom. I'd been feeling homesick, and I was dying to hear about the State Convention. Hearing about it was hard though, because it reminded me that I wasn't there, and I wish I had been.
Then, out of the blue, my mom said, "Do you remember who Jason Miller is? He was the State President before Lori, and he always helps out at convention. When he found out you were running for National Office, he gave us $70 and said to use it to buy you a new jacket."
Right then, at that moment, I felt like I was going to cry. (And right now, in this moment, I am). I know who Jason Miller is but I don't know him very well, and I didn't know he knew who I was at all. What a simple gesture, but what a sweet donation. I don't know if he knew how much a knew jacket would mean to me....but it means the world. And now that I can actually get one, I realize how much I really wanted one all along.
I'm so grateful for Jason, and my family, and Rayne, and everyone who is in any small way helping me with this process. Sometimes I get so busy and frustrated that I feel like quitting, but I can feel your support behind me. Even something so simple as a new jacket that I so desperately wanted and am so incredibly thankful for makes a tremendous difference. I am just in awe of what everyone I know does to support me, by reading my blog, asking me interview questions, listening to me rehearse stories, helping me schedule classes, talking to people who might be able to help me out...or just buying me a new jacket. I have such wonderful people surrounding me while I make this big effort. I love you all. I can't thank you enough.
And I'm stoked to order my new jacket the minute I get home! :) But after I wear that one, you know what would be even better? A brand new jacket that only had this on the back:
Man, if I could put on a jacket like that, it would be fantastic.
Another great post. Keep your chin up as you go through this process. I watched and worked with Alex as she went through it twice and I know how emotionally draining it can be sometimes. Don't forget, though, no matter what the outcome is the journey is totally worth it :)
ReplyDeleteMan, reading your post took me right back to my first days in FFA, and how much I just HATED those jackets! Now, I'm not sure I could ever part with one. I'm really glad to hear you found a sponsor for a jacket. No matter the outcome of the election, you'll always look back with pride and love for that jacket. You are growing and developing in such huge ways, and you express it wonderfully through your blog. I'm so proud of you, Rachel! You're in my thoughts and I'm rooting for you!
ReplyDeleteAw, I love commments!
ReplyDeleteAmanda- Thanks so much. I don't know how you found my blog but I'm sure glad you did! It's nice to get encouragement from someone with experience, so thanks again!
Hannah- Thanks for the comment and everything you've done for me and Alaska FFA. You've inspired me so much you have no idea. How is Thailand?