Monday, May 3, 2010


FYI: That title is supposed to be sung, like in West Side Story. :)

What's up guys?
Today has been an awesome day.  I think it's because of my new goal!  I got up (relatively) early and read scriptures today, and I've felt productive and focused all day.  I've gotten over 2 hours of studying done today, which is a big deal, for me.

So I just wanted to get on here and brag, and also laugh with you about something funny I read in my book today.
Josh forces me to pose for a picture in front of my handiwork: my well-loved high school car sitting in a ditch. We had a hard time driving to my friend Lauren's house in the winter of 2008. :(  Note the very red face: sheer embarrassment.

Remember how I hate driving?  As I was driving the other day, I was so frustrated and upset, and I had just been reading my book on strengths.  It defined a weakness as something we are persistently bad at- so bad, in fact, that it gets in the way of our strengths.  And I thought to myself, "You know, I am so bad at driving!  It makes everything difficult and stressful, could this be a weakness?"

And today I read this:
"Noted for his horrible accident-prone driving, one CEO we interviewed hired a college student for $7 an hour to drive his Sedan DeVille, thereby eliminating stress and potential danger."
I wrote underneath: "Can I do this?!" 

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