Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I am finally home.  It feels so good to be around family, play with my nieces and nephews, and drive around town without feeling anxious.

It's also a bit of struggle adjusting to a new schedule and new surroundings in terms of my study habits- hence the break in blogging.  Sorry about that.  I'm working on it.

My work situation is kind of weird this summer, but I guess it's good for me.  I'm doing an internship at the Division of Ag, but it doesn't start until July 6th.  Until then, I'm working part-time for my mom in the garden and using the rest of my time to study, do speeches and workshops, fill out my applications, and blog.  I can't wait!  Tomorrow I'm going into Anchorage with Mr. Werner (my state advisor) to a meeting about how to save Alaska CTSOs.  Then, if we have time, we'll meet with Rayne, and then head back into the valley for the Palmer FFA Chapter Banquet.

Although I haven't blogged, I've done six hours of study since last Thursday!  That is mostly because I read an entire book on Saturday while I traveled home.  It's called, "Just Don't Fall," and it's by Josh Sundquist (the speaker I wrote about before who only has one leg)...and it's awesome.  Very funny, very inspiring, and very well-written.  I got a TON out of it, which was good, because I was nervous about reading a book that wasn't a "leadership book" per se.

I'm going to blog a lot about it (I turned down the corners of the pages I liked) but I'll leave you today with a paragraph that pretty much describes my life right now.  I laughed so hard when I read it.  Self-help books will do this to your mind.

For some context: Josh is on a date at a book fair,
" 'I love books,' she says, sorting through a box of paperbacks. 'But I just never have time to read.'  I open my mouth to tell her about how she should just prioritize her schedule using The Seven Habits of Highly Effiective People method, which involves Roles and Goals and something called Quadrant II."
" 'Lydia,' I say, 'What are your goals in life?'  I ask her this because talking about your goals and dreams in life puts you in what Tony Robbins calls a Peak Emotional State.  Anything you associate with a Peak Emotional State gains importance in your mind.  If I can get Lydia in a Peak Emotional State while she is on this date...then she will associate those strong positive feelings with me, and she'll want to be my girlfriend."
Also, I didn't forget about my 35 Ways to Encourage the Heart (at least for very long).  Today I'm doing number 31, the "Do What You Say You Will Do" audit.

Have a great Tuesday,

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