Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hey guys,
I've been a little burnt out the past few days..I am sick with a nasty bug which keeps me from working my usual pace- and I'm also very excited to get home...which is also making me rather useless.

I don't want people reading this to think I am constantly down on myself or anything- but lately, I have been having a hard time getting myself focused to study.  It makes me worried, because the summer is starting and that's my time to pour on the gas, not slow down!  But with all the end of school wrapping up activities I've felt really stretched thin.  And I'm worried about getting to speak this summer, because one of the venues I thought I had lined up for sure has already fallen through.

Well, tonight I went to one of my best friend's choir concerts, and the message was on renewal and restoration.  It was absolutely what I needed to hear, and it touched me.  I was there with one of my guy friends, so I had to try hard not to let him see me cry!

The concert, with its gorgeous music and dance, reminded me that I can change.  I need to re-focus on my priorities and make a conscious effort and with the Lord's help, I can do the things I need to.  So here's a list of my priorities in life right now:
1) My faith
2) My family
3) Studying for National Office
Everything else in my life is wonderful and awesome, but these are the things I am going to focus on.  I am a stereotypical overachiever, and so I always think that I am not doing enough.  Setting aside time to study for National Office is sometimes hard for me, because I think that I should be able to balance studying with all the other activities I usually do.  When that happens, I just remember this quote by Arnold Bennett:
"The real tragedy is the tragedy of the man who never in his life braces himself for his one supreme effort- he never stretches to his full capacity, never stands up to his full stature."
Right now, my "one supreme effort" is National Office.  So I'm gonna give it all I've got.  Thanks for sticking with me and reading my whinings.  Madi- thanks for inviting me to the show!  It meant a lot to me...and it was awesome!  Double yeah!


1 comment:

  1. Rachel, You always give your all and you are certianly doing it with preparing for naitonal Office.
