Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Real Leadership

I've been debating whether to post this here, but I've been thinking a lot about it and I think it applies to my philosophy on leadership, and just on life in general, so I decided to put it up.

Today I got to see Kelie Babcock speak at the Business building.  Kelie is the daughter of Lara and Mike Babcock- who were great friends with my parents in high school.  The Kenleys and Babcocks go way back, because the Babcocks used to live right next to us when my older siblings were growing up.  Although I never really knew them growing up, we went on a few family vacations with them and we always get their Christmas letter.

Anyway, Kelie is 27 and was born with Escobar syndrome.  Because of this, she needs to be hooked up to a ventilator and gets around using a wheelchair.  She was recently crowned Miss Wheelchair Utah.

Her message today was on living with a disability and making the most out of life, no matter what your situation is.  Her platform for the Miss Wheelchair Pageant was "You are unique.  Live it. Love it.  Rock it!"

What an awesome message!  Although we are not all born with disabilties- in reality few people are- we are all born unique.  We need to accept our circumstances, whatever they may be, learn to love them, and then, as Kelie says, "rock it like no one else can."

Personally, I often get discouraged by my 'uniqueness.'  I often (although I know I shouldn't!) compare myself to others, and I fall short.  One thing I need to accept and live with in my life is that I'm an organized and disciplined person.  I have longed to be spontaneous and adventurous like many of my friends, but the fact is, no matter what I try, I have to stick to a schedule and a plan or I feel uncomfortable.

This little part of my personality can be so annoying!  I would love to just run out of my dorm room on Friday night and do something crazy and random, but that's just not me.

Luckily, no matter what is different about each one of us, we can live it, love it, and rock it.  For me, that means making the most of my personality, which is actually really positive when used the right way.  I get good grades usually, not because I'm exceptionally smart but because I never forget or lose track of my homework.  I am also using this strength in running for National Office, and I'm working on really embracing and 'rocking' this part of my personality fully.

Another thing Kelie talked about was being able to do whatever she wanted.  Kelie has never been limited by her birth defect.  She does whatever she puts her mind to doing- even driving in her own modified (and very cool) Mini Cooper.  Kelie is very short, but what she lacks in height she makes up for in her big and energetic personality.  Her address was incredible and she captured the attention of everyone in the audience just by being herself.

This is what true leadership means to me.  To be leaders we have to encourage others to be confident being themselves.  The best way to do that is by example- so I'm working on loving being myself.  And Kelie's a great example to me of that.

Kelie shared this quote by e.e. cummings that I thought really summed up her whole address.  It will probably get put up on my quote wall here soon. :)
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make  you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop  fighting."

Have a splendid day,

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